Televisit: Simplifying Patient Interactions

Introducing the future of patient engagement with televisit capabilities seamlessly integrated into MILO DCT. We're committed to simplifying the process for both you and your patients while expanding recruitment opportunities in clinical trials.

Easy Patient Connectivity

Our televisit module enables direct and secure contact with your patients, regardless of their location. No more unnecessary travel or inconvenient appointments. With MILO DCT, a few clicks are all it takes to organize televisits, enhancing the flexibility of your interactions and the comfort of your patients.

Patient Recruitment and Clinical Trial Monitoring

Televisits within MILO DCT facilitate real-time communication with your patients, both for clinical trial monitoring and recruitment processes. Televisit ensures continuous connectivity with your patients and allows you to delve deeper into the information provided by them.

Security is Our Priority

Data security and patient privacy are our top priorities. MILO DCT guarantees a secure environment for all your televisits. Your sensitive information remains confidential, in line with the industry's strictest security standards.

Expand Your Recruitment Reach

By integrating televisit into your research process, you can expand your reach and increase the chances of recruiting a more diverse patient population. This innovative approach overcomes geographical and logistical obstacles, opening new opportunities for your clinical trials.


Elevate Patient Engagement with Televisit and MILO DCT

Televisit isn't just a feature; it's a game-changer for patient engagement and recruitment. Join us in revolutionizing patient interactions in clinical research.